Portrait of Jana Beňová
Winning Book Image
Café Hyena (Plán odprevádzania)

Jana Beňová (née en 1974) est poète et romancière, diplômée en dramaturgie théâtrale de l’École supérieure des arts de la scène de Bratislatilava (1993-1998). Jana a tout d’abord écrit pour des publications telles que Dotyky, Fragment et Slovenské Pohľady et a ensuite travaillé comme journaliste pour le quotidien SME, sous le nom de plume Jana Parkrová. Elle travaille actuellement en tant que rédactrice à l’Institut du théâtre à Bratislava.

Elle a commencé sa carrière d’écrivain par un recueil de poèmes, Svetloplachý (1993), suivi par Lonochod (1997). Tout comme son premier roman, ces deux recueils sont un peu comme un « récit de voyage » à travers les relations interpersonnelles et l’amour, agrémenté d’observations sur la vie. L’auteur a ensuite publié un autre recueil de poèmes, Nehota (1997), un roman, Parker (2001), et un recueil de nouvelles, Dvanásť poviedok a Ján Med (2003). Ses nouvelles sont marquées par une sensibilité poétique, couplées à de poignantes plongées dans l’esprit et les comportements humains.

Au printemps 2008, les Éditions LCA ont publié Café Hyena. Son roman Preč! Preč! est quant à lui marqué par un humour original et une remarquable aisance dans l’expression- précise, vivante et spontanée.

EUPL Country

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Publishing House

Translation Deals

Translation Deals
  • Albania: Fan Noli
  • Austria: Residenz
  • Bulgaria: Geia Libris Ltd
  • Croatia: Hena Com
  • Czech Republic: Paseka
  • Egypt: Sefsafa
  • France: Le ver à soi
  • Germany: Residenz
  • Hungary: L'Harmattan
  • Italy: Atmosphere Libri
  • North Macedonia: Magor
  • Poland: Nisza wydawnictwo
  • Serbia: Kontrast
  • Slovenia: Malinc
  • Spain: Sexto Piso
  • United States: Two Dollar Radio



Kalisto Tanzi

Elza:  Together we ate grapes and washed them down with rosé. The next day I discovered a damp grape stalk in my pocket. It looked like an Christmas tree, upside-down .

            Kalisto Tanzi disappeared from the town, which was gripped by a heat wave. The heat radiating from the houses and streets burned people's faces and the scorching town seared its mark on their foreheads.

            I stopped in front of the theatre's display case so I could read Kalisto's name on the posters and reassure myself that he actually did exist. I derive pleasure from uttering the name that had tormented him throughout childhood and puberty and only really stopped annoying him after my arrival.  I slowly walk to the other end of the town, the muscles in my legs tingling slightly in the hot air. It is noon. Drops of perspiration are the only thing really moving on this planet. They run down to the bridge of my nose and spurt out again from under my hair.

            I'm going to buy poison.

            Yesterday Ian saw a rat in the lavatory.

The rat-catcher has a wine cellar under his shop. We go underground to escape the unbearable heat and sip wine. He tells me how intelligent rats are.

"They have a taster, who is first to try the food. If he dies, the others won't even touch the bait. That's why we use second generation baits. The rat begins to die only four days after consuming the poison. It dies as a result of internal bleeding. Even Seneca claimed that such a death is painless. The rest of the rats get the impression that their comrade has died a natural death. But even so – if several of them die in a short time, they decide the locality is unfavourable on account of the high mortality rate and they move elsewhere. Some people and even whole nations completely lack this ability to assess a situation."

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