Portrait of Svetlana Žuchová
Winning Book Image
Obrazy zo života M.

Née en 1976, Svetlana Žuchová a étudié la psychologie à l'université de Vienne et la médecine à la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Comenius à Bratislava. Elle travaille dans une clinique psychiatrique à Prague. Ses nouvelles ont été publiées dans des revues telles que Dotyky, Rak, Romboid, Vlna, OS et Slovo.

Elle a reçu par deux fois des prix lors du concours de nouvelles Poviedka (en 2001 et en 2005) et ses textes ont été publiés dans des anthologies reprenant des œuvres ayant participé à ces concours. Son premier livre, le recueil de nouvelles Dulce de leche (2003), a reçu le prix Ivan Krask. Le roman Yesim publié en 2006 et décrivant le milieu des émigrants turcs en Autriche est basée sur le monologue poétique du personnage principal, la jeune femme Yesim, au sujet des événements importants de sa vie.
Dans le roman Zlodeji a svedkovia (Voleurs et témoins, 2019) publié en 2011, l’auteure continue à explorer la psychologie d’une personne vivant éloignée de chez elle, ainsi que les relations au sein des communautés émigrantes. Son troisième roman  Obrazy zo života M. (Scènes de la vie de M., 2019) est paru en 2013 et on y retrouve la narratrice et personnage principal Marisia, déjà présente dans le livre précédent.
Ces trois romans ont participé à la finale du prix littéraire le plus important en Slovaquie, Anasoft Litera (2007, 2012 et 2014).
Žuchová traduit aussi de la littérature anglaise et allemande (fiction et non-fiction), dont les œuvres de Michel Faber, Sarah Kane, Sophie Kinsella et Sabine Thiesler.

EUPL Country

Agent / Rights Director

Publishing House

Translation Deals

Translation Deals
  • Albania: Albas
  • Croatia: Hena Com
  • Czech Republic: Motto
  • Germany: Drava Verlag
  • Hungary: Noran Libro
  • Italy: Mimesis Edizioni S.R.L
  • North Macedonia: Tri publishing house
  • Serbia: Sezam Book



Translated by Heather Trebaticka

The day Mum died I went to the swimming pool. Mum died at daybreak and they called me from the hospital just before seven. At that time I was visiting Mum every weekend, and from Friday to Sunday I slept in her empty flat. It was then that Janut moved out. I had placed great hopes in my relationship with Janut. I had wanted to mature with Janut, because maturity was something that fascinated me. From morning to evening we had our hands full working on maturity. I imagined that maturity consisted of furnishing a flat, of a rental agreement and savings in a bank account. I noticed my interest in maturity one weekend afternoon in Ikea. You see, the supposition is that a person becomes aware of something at one particular moment. For example, one of Oto’s sisters once told me that she became aware of her future husband’s love when he said he wanted to have a child with her. Janut, on the other hand, claimed that he decided not to go to work any more when his boss called him into his office in a caravan. Apparently, he didn’t even invite him to sit down and Janut had to listen to his abuse standing up. I’m not sure that it is true. Whether we really become aware of certain facts from one moment to the next and we suddenly know something we didn’t know before. At a precise moment in time. It may be rather that our awareness of something slowly ripens within us and gradually gets nearer and nearer to the surface. And then, seemingly all of a sudden, it becomes visible. And it is equally possible that moments of realisation don’t in fact exist and are created retrospectively in our memories. That this gradual, slow smouldering is compressed in our memories into an instant when we became aware of something. As if all of a sudden, from one moment to the next.
When Janut stopped going to work, he suggested that we should go to Ikea. It’s true we haven’t yet got a rental agreement or work permit, but for a start we could at least buy a new bed. I agreed and one weekend we took an afternoon train to the shopping centre. All my life I have had a well-defined taste in furniture. I grew up with my grandmother in a house furnished with heavy antique furniture.

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