Journalist and writer. Born in Madrid, in 1970. A graduate in Catalan Philology. He has collaborated in several stages with the newspaper El País, the last, between 2007 and 2013, in the cultural supplement Quadern.
He is currently responsible for the culture of the weekly newspaper El Temps, a columnist for Levante-EMV as well as a talk show by Onda Zero. From the creation of the new Valencian television broadcasting À Punt he has collaborated in the television talk show of "El Matí" and right now he does so in À Punt radio.
From February 2018 to February 2019 he has been the coordinator of the Valencian cultural capital of Sagunto and Potries. He has also been a television scriptwriter.
As a novelist, he has so far published six novels: Si no ho dic rebente (2005, Editorial Moll), Vila de Lloseta Prize; Els neons de Sodoma (2008, Tres i Quatre), Andromina Prize; Vides desafinades (2011, Editions 62), Joanot Martorell Prize and Criticism Prize for Valencian Writers, El meu nom no és Irina (2013, Andana), Samaruc Prize, Criticism Award for Valencian Writers and Generalitat Valenciana Prize for youth books best edited; Dos metres quadrats de sang jove (2014, and Les quatre vides de l’oncle Antoine, Pin i Soler prize from Tarragona and a Prize from the Critics of Valencian Writers.
He also has several stories published in anthologies and in 2017 he has published an anthology of texts by Joan Fuster, Fuster per a ociosos (Sembra Llibres).
In this field, he has collaborated in several literary publications such as Characters, L'Espill or L'Illa, among others.